Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Cookie's History

So, where did the first cookie come from? Well, they were actually created by accident. A long time ago, bakers and chefs would use a small piece of dough to test their oven's temperature to make sure it was just right before baking anything big, like a cake. These little test runs became known as biscuits or sweet buns. The word cookie actually derived from the Dutch word, "koekje", meaning "little cake". Cookies are made of a sweet dough and they were eaten mainly during a person's tea service, so it was kind of like a tea party. Cookies were often made with nuts, but one day a woman ran out of nuts and substituted pieces of chocolate for them. She was the first person to create the chocolate chip cookie. Her name was Ruth Wakefield. So that's a short introduction of the cookie's past! =) Picture links: http://www.women-inventors.com/media/images/bio_wakefield.jpg


In the photos are Ruth Wakefield and some chocolate chip cookies!

For more information, go to http://www.kitchenproject.com/history/cookies.htm

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Kinds of Cookies

Cookies have been around for more than 300 years now. There are many different kinds of cookies and nobody knows for sure exactly how many there are. There are so many different kinds and more are always being invented from chefs. If you tried making a cookbook of all the different kinds, the book would never be finished or published. In fact, just a plain Oreo cookie has about 62,000 varieties of it. Here are some other simple versions of a cookie you may have heard of though below. Others include shortbread cookies, gingerbread cookies, almond drops, macaroons, snickerdoodles, peanut butter cookies, white chocolate macadamia nut cookies, mint cookies, and a lot more! Picture links: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhKMXEc-RjXWfNNlYSSSe3m2JuxYY8utBRILiazBzgFGG8kYddkhS2iWkcyQtAkynI0qD0HZn4Aks8el9t18uQDn0wlC5a8KAU6b2QWZjtsVYVvFvN4VGfVxGEMoKzE8BvlG2KRJQu8Tl-v/s1600-h/chocolate+chip+cookies.jpg



1. Chocolate Chip Cookies 2. Sugar Cookies 3. Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Friday, November 20, 2009

Introduction of OreoN'Milk's Blog

My blog will be all about cookies, the delectable, mouthwatering snack! I will have random, background knowledge on cookies, such as the history, some of the varieties, and more! So if you just want to learn more facts about cookies and find out why cookies are so awesome, come read my blog! Picture link: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3441/3721265963_4f348324a3.jpg